JANUARY 2024Saturday, January 27, 2024 | 2:00 PM ET
Liberating Gaza by Working Class Means Current Cosponsors: Center for Marxist Education, Boston May Day Coalition, Encuentro Cinco, Labor Fightback Network, Veterans for Peace - Boston, Smedley D. Butler Brigade As bombs rain down on Gaza and forces of the Israeli regime continue to assassinate civilians, youth and working-class people worldwide are joining together in opposition. Hundreds of thousands have mobilized here in the US joining millions around the world denouncing the genocide. We are making a difference and deep divisions are developing within the imperial powers as they fuel the genocide. Millions here are impacted and the movement will influence generations to come. The conflict risks the danger of developing into a regional conflagration. How can Gaza be liberated by working class means? What will that require -- and how can the effort advance liberation of all oppressed nations, as well as ending apartheid across historic Palestine? What working-class actions defending Palestinians are taking place today? What are the broader possibilities for union activity and action on a world scale. Join us for a discussion with Wadi'h Halabi, whose family ended up in Gaza after being driven out of Jaffa during the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948. We will also be taking up a history of Palestinian resistance, the 'Beirut Commune' of spring 1976, weaknesses and errors of the world labor movement, and what can be done today to correct those weaknesses and errors. The implications go far beyond Gaza. For an earlier interview with Wadi'h Halabi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mOrmocgyEg Liberating Gaza by Working Class Means | Facebook Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88237175103... Meeting ID: 882 3717 5103 Passcode: 714602 One tap mobile +13126266799,,88237175103#,,,,*714602# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,88237175103#,,,,*714602# US (New York) We are looking for a possible physical space for an in person event. Stay tuned for more information. OCTOBER 2023Thursday, October 26, 2023 | 7:00 PM ET
Lenin's State and Revolution - Chapter III: Experience of the Paris Commune of 1871. Marx's Analysis Facilitated by David Keil Read State & Revolution at the Montreal Worlds Fair, 1967, joined Young Socialist Alliance the next year after a class on it. Now in the Green Party, DSA, and Organizing Committee for a Democratic Revolutionary Left (political personality split into 3). The difference between Communists and reformists is not the reforms such as, for a shorter workweek, decent affordable housing, or to tax wealth. The difference is reformists' belief that capitalist states can be reformed to serve the interests of workers and oppressed. Lenin's State and Revolution is crucial in this regard. Drawing on Marx and Engels' work and lessons from the defeat of the Paris Commune, Lenin's State and Revolution helped guide the victory of the Russian and subsequent revolutions. As part of a CME series on the Marxist classics, we will be reviewing one chapter of State and Revolution each month. This month, we will delve into Chapter III: Experience of the Paris Commune of 1871. Marx's Analysis, which is broken up into five sections: What Made the Communards' Attempt Heroic? What is to Replace the Smashed State Machine? Abolition of Parliamentarism Organisation of National Unity Aboloition of the Parasite State Find the full text here: State and Revolution. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87835967020?pwd=eFBIT3lPT3JrWVNENzZBcDFDWXhPdz09 Meeting ID: 878 3596 7020 Passcode: 324445 One tap mobile +13092053325,,87835967020#,,,,*324445# US +13126266799,,87835967020#,,,,*324445# US (Chicago) Saturday, October 28, 2023 | 6:00 PM ET
Nae Pasaran Reviewed by Zach George, Center for Marxist Education In a Scottish town in 1974, factory workers refuse to carry out repairs on warplane engines in an act of solidarity against the violent military coup in Chile. Four years pass before the engines, left to rust in factory yard, mysteriously disappear in the middle of the night. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86839658559?pwd=ekdZWXR6TE9oTDVNVXJ4MGZweXB3UT09 Meeting ID: 868 3965 8559 Passcode: 316259 One tap mobile +13126266799,,86839658559#,,,,*316259# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,86839658559#,,,,*316259# US (New York) SEPTEMBER 2023Sunday, September 17, 2023, 4:00 PM ET
Combatting Working-Class Racism in the Left Facilitated by Edward Carson Working-class people should be unified across racial lines; however, the lack of racial solidarity and the division capitalism promotes regarding class and race continues to divide them, as noted by the rise of Donald Trump. Suppose the white, Black, and brown working class were fully unified. In that case, they might grasp their intersectional identities and achieve an understanding of themselves as wholly marginalized people, often comprised of multiple identities: LGBTQ, people of color, women, etc. Racism has long divided the working class and the left community, and today is no different. This talk offers examples of a fractured working class and left community in the greater Boston area and nationally. Beyond a critique of the problem, a solution-oriented approach will allow for a robust conversation. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87390012883?pwd=TkV2Undub0dXOTFmKzEzRUtkNVgzQT09 Meeting ID: 873 9001 2883 Passcode: 071479 One tap mobile +16469313860,,87390012883#,,,,*071479# US +13017158592,,87390012883#,,,,*071479# US (Washington DC) Thursday, September 21, 2023 | 7:00 PM ET
Lenin's State and Revolution - Chapter II: The Experience of 1848-51 Facilitated by Edward Carson The difference between Communists and reformists is not the reforms such as, for a shorter workweek, decent affordable housing, or to tax wealth. The difference is reformists' belief that capitalist states can be reformed to serve the interests of workers and oppressed. Lenin's State and Revolution is crucial in this regard. Drawing on Marx and Engels' work and lessons from the defeat of the Paris Commune, Lenin's State and Revolution helped guide the victory of the Russian and subsequent revolutions. As part of a CME series on the Marxist classics, we will be reviewing one chapter of State and Revolution each month. This month, we will delve into Chapter II: The Experience of 1848-51, which is broken up into three sections: The Eve of Revolution The Revolution Summed Up The Presentation of the Question by Marx in 1852 Click here for the full text: State and Revolution. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86707340881?pwd=eEhISGcrSTFEdTVSRHB5bmkyRzdkdz09 Meeting ID: 867 0734 0881 Passcode: 132682 One tap mobile +16469313860,,86707340881#,,,,*132682# US +13017158592,,86707340881#,,,,*132682# US (Washington DC) JULY 2023Saturday, July 22, 2023 | 2:00-4:00 PM ET
Trade union tasks after a socialist revolution: Discussions on union policies while Lenin was alive Facilitated by Brad Crowder, CPUSA As the dangers of counter-revolutions mounted in the 1970s and 1980s, workers in the Soviet Union and worldwide did not rise up to defend their own states -- not just in the USSR, but in Albania, Yugoslavia, Poland -- twelve states in all fell to counter-revolution. Unions' tasks expand enormously after working class seizure of power. Correct communist trade union policies and practices may have saved working class power, and prevented grievous defeats still affecting us. Developing and implementing such policies were a major responsibility of the world communist movement. This presentation will review early Soviet discussions of unions' tasks while Lenin was alive. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89518618803?pwd=blRtY1hVelNXd3pBaFpMdzN3Vks0dz09 Meeting ID: 895 1861 8803 Passcode: 589571 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89518618803#,,,,*589571# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,89518618803#,,,,*589571# US (New York) APRIL 2023Sunday, April 30, 2023 | 4:00-5:30 PM US ET
CME May Day Special Paul Robeson, "The Tallest Tree in the Forest" Presentation by Timothy V. Johnson, CPUSA Paul Robeson is often referred to as the “Tallest Tree in the Forest.” This is a reflection of his overarching impact on the progressive movement. This influence permeated through the African American, labor, socialist, and anti-imperialist movements in the mid-twentieth century. The repression of the McCarthy era attempted to wipe Robeson’s contributions and his very existence from the broad progressive movement. However succeeding generations of scholars and activists have resurrected Robeson’s contributions and with that - his significance to the struggle for democracy. April 9th marked the 125th anniversary of Paul Robeson's birth. The program will begin with a short documentary (produced by ABC/Australia), Paul Robeson: The singer who fought for justice and paid with his life, followed by a presentation on Robeson’s personal history and his theoretical and political contributions to the international struggles for democracy and socialism. Discussion will follow. Timothy V Johnson is a member of the African American Equality Commission of the CPUSA and is the former director of the Tamiment Library and Wagner Labor Archives at New York University. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89160457954?pwd=WEVudTdjWndBbDRVKy9wMENrcnN0QT09 Meeting ID: 891 6045 7954 Passcode: 536559 One tap mobile +13092053325,,89160457954#,,,,*536559# US +13126266799,,89160457954#,,,,*536559# US (Chicago) MARCH 2023 Saturday, March 25, 2023 | 2:00-3:30PM ET
Lenin's State and Revolution -- The opening chapter Facilitated by Yusuf Gursey, CPUSA and the CME The difference between Communists and reformists is not the reforms such as, for a shorter workweek, decent affordable housing, or to tax wealth. The difference is reformists' belief that capitalist states can be reformed to serve the interests of workers and oppressed. Lenin's State and Revolution is crucial in this regard. Drawing on Marx and Engels' work and lessons from the defeat of the Paris Commune, Lenin's State and Revolution helped guide the victory of the Russian and subsequent revolutions. As part of a CME series on the Marxist classics, we will be reviewing one chapter of State and Revolution each month. Find text of Chapter I at The State and Revolution. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87835967020?pwd=eFBIT3lPT3JrWVNENzZBcDFDWXhPdz09 Meeting ID: 878 3596 7020 Passcode: 324445 One tap mobile +13092053325,,87835967020#,,,,*324445# US +13126266799,,87835967020#,,,,*324445# US (Chicago) JANUARY 2023Saturday, January 7, 2023 | 2:00-3:30 PM US ET
Proletarians and Communists - Chapter Two of the Communist Manifesto Reviewed by Yusuf Gursey, CPUSA and Center for Marxist Education This chapter examines the relation between the Communist Party and the working class as a whole. Like the title itself, this chapter provides important clues on what is necessary to avoid further defeats and advance human liberation and the transition from capitalism to socialism. Find the text online here: Manifesto of the Communist Party. This is the fourth in a CME series on the Marxist classics. The next session, on Saturday, January 14 at 2:00-3:30 PM, will be led by the YCL in Boston. It will review the two closing chapters of the Manifesto. After this we will be reviewing State and Revolution by V.I.Lenin. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89950453687?pwd=RW9wbU5ianNGK0hHenpicWE5VTUrUT09 Meeting ID: 899 5045 3687 Passcode: 163124 One tap mobile +16469313860,,89950453687#,,,,*163124# US +13017158592,,89950453687#,,,,*163124# US (Washington DC) DECEMBER 2022Saturday, December 3, 2022 | 2:00-3:30PM
What do the Communist Manifesto's prefaces add or subtract from the original? Facilitated by Deb Wilmer, CPUSA Marx and Engels penned seven prefaces in the 45 years following the Manifesto's publication. What corrections or modifications did they make? Neither author was 30 years old when the Manifesto was written. Much followed in the months and decades that followed. Come find out what they had to say. The prefaces are attached. This is the second in a CME series on the Marxist classics. The next session, on Saturday December 10, will review the first chapter of the Manifesto. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83956136774?pwd=NUpLODhvaFFLNm0yaUh6TWtHNVI1dz09 Meeting ID: 839 5613 6774 Passcode: 034257 One tap mobile +16465588656,,83956136774#,,,,*034257# US (New York) +16469313860,,83956136774#,,,,*034257# US
Saturday, December 17, 2022 | 2:00-3:30 PM US ET
A specter haunting -- Chapter One of the Communist Manifesto Reviewed by Zach George, Center for Marxist Education One hundred and seventy-five years after Marx and Engels wrote the Manifesto, its opening words instill fear in the capitalists -- and continue to embolden the workers of the world! It is time to complete the work that the Paris Commune began to implement. In this, the third in a series, we review the first chapter of the Manifesto. Find the text online here: Manifesto of the Communist Party. This is the third in a CME series on the Marxist classics. The next session will review the second chapter of the Manifesto. Date to be announced soon. (Because of an illness, we had to postpone this session, which had been scheduled for Saturday December 10.) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84821611601?pwd=ZDlCU3A1enFWcWtUSy83SVJoU2R4Zz09 Meeting ID: 848 2161 1601 Passcode: 940127 One tap mobile +13052241968,,84821611601#,,,,*940127# US +13092053325,,84821611601#,,,,*940127# US NOVEMBER 2022Saturday, November 19 | 2:00-3:30PM
The Communist Manifesto's actual title provides a clue to the fall of the Soviet Union! Facilitated by Wadi'h Halabi Embedded in Marx and Engels' full title for the Manifesto is an amazing clue to one of the decisive factors leading to the fall of the Soviet Union and other severe defeats for the workers of the world and humanity. Join us for a presentation and discussion of this clue, hidden in plain sight! Three examples will be raised. Workers can face the truth and correct our mistakes. This will be the first in a CME series on the Marxist classics. The next session, on Saturday December 3, will review Marx and Engels' prefaces to subsequent editions of the Manifesto. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88423005729?pwd=SHNrbGFJeWZHU3lsUHNRQnBJVUNJdz09 Meeting ID: 884 2300 5729 Passcode: 626481 One tap mobile +13092053325,,88423005729#,,,,*626481# US +13126266799,,88423005729#,,,,*626481# US (Chicago) OCTOBER 2022Saturday, October 15, 2022 | 1:00-4:00 PM
CME ANNUAL PICNIC We hope you'll join us at the Charles River Park for the CME Annual Picnic. It's our favorite event of the year. Good conversation with old and new friends in the fresh air and sunshine - it's just good for the soul! Bring a chair and your favorite dish to share with friends! When: Saturday, October 15 | 1PM - 4PM (Rain Date: October 16) Where: 1175 Soldier Field Rd., #A, Allston, MA 02134 Directions by Car: Head west on Soldiers Field Road. After the Eliot Bridge, the Charles River will be on your right. Look for the last parking lot. We will be just past the swimming pool and playground area. Directions by Public Transportation: Take bus 70 to Western Ave. and Everett St. It's about a 10 minute walk. Go down Everett St and turn right at Soldiers Field Road. It's about 1.3 miles from the Harvard Square T stop |
Speaker Invitation
The CME invites you to share your knowledge, expertise and passion for building a better world with the community. Email us at [email protected]. Past Event Schedules